Will Virtual Restaurant change Future of Food Industry?

If your favorite place is home the then take away and home delivery food is always on your list. With more and more people preferring to spend time at home it’s obvious that restaurant business will change and it will give rise to a virtual restaurant.

According to NDP, restaurant delivery has grown rapidly over the past few years due to which many restaurants are looking for creative ways to satisfy customers who prefer eating into eating out.


What is a Virtual Restaurant?

A virtual restaurant is based on the delivery-only model which serves you food wherever and whenever you want. It works on processing and producing delivery orders. Virtual restaurants consist of two distinct models; first, it relies on an app concept and the second model is service.


App model manages a different restaurant and it also includes delivery of the meal. In this everything is managed or ordered by simply selecting, For example, Foorban an Italy based online restaurant cooks and delivers approx. 4000 meals per month.

In service model, the third party is involved without an app. This model will work on multiple brands within a single kitchen and brands may have their own websites and they indirectly engage with the customer.

These two models work together and try to meet customer expectations for a better delivery experience in a best effective way.

Benefits of Virtual Restaurants:

The most effective feature of starting a virtual restaurant is the cheaper start-up cost is involved. A delivery only restaurant does not require full décor, service staff, artistic wallpaper and furniture all its need is a kitchen space and that too not-so-busy area which would cut down the upfront costs.


The customer can enjoy the home-cooked meal. Many startups try to market their meal by saying it’s prepared from organic. Moreover, the restaurant plays a wide role in pricing and cost analysis of a particular dish just to see if it’s worth keeping on a menu.

Challenges of Virtual Restaurants:

The biggest challenges like quality packaging, handling, and efficient delivery are hard to manage as business is completely depended on these factors. It’s difficult to deal with customer complaints as they are eating at home. In the dine-in restaurant, it’s easy to fix a problem where as in virtual restaurant it’s hard to solve any problem for example if the customer has asked for something or any extra ingredient then to deliver the same at home would be cumbersome.


Future of Virtual Restaurant:

With Changing times and lifestyle of the consumer, buying behavior is also changing. The virtual restaurant is growing in every part of the world and it’s here to stay for a very long time. This does not mean that Sit-down and standalone restaurant would shut down, both will co-exist. Virtual Restaurant has a very limited reach to the urban population who are tech savvy.

The more connected consumers are the more they will ask for restaurant quality food with a simple push of a button.


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